The fight for the Republican nomination was largely between General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio. The primaries had been split fairly evenly between the two men, and the nomination came down to the wire, but ultimately Eisenhower won the nomination based largely on the perception that he was a sure winner. Eisenhower chose as his running mate Senator Richard Nixon of California, best known for his pursuit of Alger Hiss. Other Republican candidates in this year were Governor Earl Warren of California and former Minnesota Governor Harold Stassen, who had both hoped to emerge as a compromise candidate in case of a deadlock between Eisenhower and Taft. Eisenhower campaigned by attacking the failures of the outgoing Administration, and promising to go to Korea and resolve the war.

"I shall go to Korea." ~ Republican Nominee Dwight D. Eisenhower, 10/24/1952

The 1952 presidential election demonstrated the power of the women's vote; just 32 years after the passage of the 19th Amendment, women made up over half the electorate. Women liked Ike! Learn more in our online exhibit "Women Unite for Ike!"

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Dwight D. Eisenhower make his first political campaign speech for the presidency in Abilene, Kansas.
June 4, 1952
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From L to R: Richard Nixon, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Arthur Summerfield at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
July 1952 RNC photo
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Dwight Eisenhower campaigns from an open car in Maryland.
September 25, 1952
Last Revised Date