Title | |
ADAMS, SHERMAN | ADAMS, SHERMAN: RECORDS, 1952-59. Governor, New Hampshire, 1949-53; Chairman, Conference of New England Governors, 1951-52; The Assistant to the President, 1953-58. 19 feet. [For further information concerning the Adams "records" see John E. Wickman's "Partnership for Research," Dartmouth College Library Bulletin, X (April 1969), 93-97. Researchers interested in the Adams "papers" at Dartmouth should see Kenneth E. Shewmaker's "The Sherman Adams Papers," ibid., 88-92.] |
ADCOCK, CLARENCE L. | ADCOCK, CLARENCE L.: "201" File, 1918-54. U.S. Army officer, 1918-49. -1 foot. |
ADKINS, BERTHA S. | ADKINS, BERTHA S.: PAPERS, 1907-83. Republican National committeewoman, Maryland, 1948-58; Assistant Chairman, Republican National Committee, 1953-58; Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1958-60. 30 feet. |
ALLEN, GEORGE E. | ALLEN, GEORGE E.: PAPERS, 1942-69. Friend of Dwight D. Eisenhower; Treasurer, Democratic National Congressional Committee, 1940-73; Secretary, Democratic National Committee, 1943; author of Presidents Who Have Known Me (photocopies). -1 foot. |
ALLEN, GEORGE H. | ALLEN, GEORGE H.: PAPERS, 1949. Official, Harvard Business School Club of New York. -1 foot. |
ALLEN, TERRY DE LA M. | ALLEN, TERRY DE LA M.: PAPERS, 1942-45; CORRESPONDENCE, May 1964. Commander, First Infantry Division, 1942-43; Commander, 104th Infantry Division, 1943-46. -1 foot. |
AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY | AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY: Record of contributors to Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Bible Fund, 1969. 1 foot. |
ANDERSON, JACK Z. | ANDERSON, JACK Z.: PAPERS, 1952-68. Special Assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, 1955-56; Administrative Assistant to the President, 1956-61. -1 foot. |
ANDERSON, JACK Z. | ANDERSON, JACK Z.: RECORDS, 1956-61. 1 foot. |
ANDERSON, ROBERT B. | ANDERSON, ROBERT B.: PAPERS, 1937-85. Secretary of the Navy, 1953-54; Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1954-55; Secretary of the Treasury, 1957-61; lawyer; oil and gas developer. 150 feet. ALSO: [A06-2] .5 Cubic ft. Unreviewed Accretion, Review upon Demand |
ARCHIBOLD, JOHN E. | ARCHIBOLD, JOHN E.: PAPERS, 1947-79. Denver, Colorado, businessman; friend of Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower. -1 foot. |
AREEDA, PHILLIP E. | AREEDA, PHILLIP E.: PAPERS, 1952-62. 1st Lieutenant, USAF, Office of Air Force General Counsel, 1955-56; member, White House Staff for Economic Affairs and Higher Criticism,1956-58; Assistant Special Counsel to the President, 1958-61; Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, 1963. 9 feet. |
ARNOW, PHILIP | ARNOW, PHILIP: Assistant Director, Office of International Affairs, Department of Labor; Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Labor Statistics; Executive Director, U.S. Presidential Railroad Commission. Records (a component of Records of the Department of Labor Group 174), 1953-61. 1 foot. |
AUDIO RECORDINGS | Audio Recordings (excepting Presidential Speeches and Dictabelt Recordings). This finding aid lists audio recordings in many different formats. It does not include Columbia University Dictabelt recordings, Presidential Dictabelt recordings or Presidential speeches. Contact the staff to arrange access. Please note that the Library does not hold the copyright to any of the recordings in its holdings, and cannot give permission to use them. |
AURAND, HENRY S. | AURAND, HENRY S.: PAPERS, 1873-1967. Commanding General, 6th Service Command,1942-44; Commanding Officer, Normandy Base Section, 1944-45; Commanding General, Services of Supply, China Theater, 1945; Commanding General, 6th Service Command, 1946; Commanding General, Africa-Middle East Theater, 1946; Director of Research and Development, War Department, 1946-48; Director of Logistics, General Staff, U.S. Army, 1948-49; Commanding General, U.S. Army, Pacific Theater, 1949-52; newspaper columnist, 1954-63. 40 feet. |
BACON, EDWARD A. | BACON, EDWARD A.: PAPERS, 1864 and 1896-1968. Chairman, Executive Council Air Coordinating Committee, 1953-60; Assistant to the Secretary of the Army for Canal Zone Affairs, 1954; member, Tolls Committee, St. Lawrence Seaway, 1958; member, Interstate Commission, Potomac River Basin, 1958-61; U.S. Chairman, International Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada, 1959-61; Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, 1954-60. 17 feet. |
BARKER, RAY W. | BARKER, RAY W.: PAPERS, 1942-46. Assistant Chief of Staff, War Plans Division, U.S. Forces in the British Isles, 1942-43; Deputy Chief of Staff, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, European Theater of Operations, 1943-44; Deputy Chief of Staff, SHAEF, 1944; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1, SHAEF, 1944-45. 2 feet. |
BARNES, BERT B. | BARNES, BERT B.: MATERIAL RE U.S. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, 1953-72. Executive Assistant to Assistant Postmaster General, 1953-57; 1st Deputy Assistant Postmaster General, 1957-59; Assistant Postmaster General, 1959-61. 1 foot. |
BAUER, ROBERT A. | BAUER, ROBERT A.: PAPERS, 1939-98. Broadcaster, Free Austria Radio, France, 1939-40; broadcaster and Division Chief, Voice of America, 1942-58; Public and Cultural Affairs Officer, Department of State, 1958-72. -1 foot. |
BAUGHMAN, URBANUS E. | BAUGHMAN, URBANUS E.: PAPERS, 1953-71. Chief, U.S. Secret Service, 1948-61. -1 foot. |
BEACH, EDWARD L. | BEACH, EDWARD L.: PAPERS, 1935-62. Executive Officer, U.S.S. Tirante, 1944; Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Piper, 1945; Personal Aide to Chief of Naval Personnel, 1945-47; Office, Chief of Naval Operations, 1947-48; Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Amberjack, 1948-49; Naval Assistant to Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1949-51; Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Trigger II, 1951-53; Naval Aide to the President, 1953-57; Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Salamonie, 1957-58; Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Triton, 1958-61; author. 14 feet. |
BEACH, EDWARD L. and EVAN P. AURAND | BEACH, EDWARD L. and EVAN P. AURAND: RECORDS, 1953-61. Naval Aides to the President. 10 feet. |
BECKER, RALPH | BECKER, RALPH: PAPERS, 1957-87. Lawyer; Trustee, National Cultural Center, 1958-61 and 1970-76. -1 foot. |
BENEDICT, STEPHEN | BENEDICT, STEPHEN: PAPERS, 1951-55. Assistant to Dr. Gabriel Hauge, Research Director of Citizens for Eisenhower, 1951-53; Assistant to the Administrative Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs, 1953-54; Assistant Staff Secretary, 1954-55. 3 feet. |
BENNETT, ELMER F. | BENNETT, ELMER F.: PAPERS, 1950-82. Legislative Counsel, Department of Interior, 1953-56; Assistant to Secretary of Interior, 1956-57; General Counsel, Department of Interior, 1957-58; Under Secretary of Interior, 1958-61. 10 feet. |
BENSON, EZRA TAFT | BENSON, EZRA TAFT: PAPERS, 1952-61. Secretary of Agriculture, 1953-61. 2 feet. (partly on microfilm) ALSO: .5 Cubic ft. Unreviewed Accretion, Review upon Demand |
BERG, AARON | BERG, AARON: PAPERS, 1947-72. Executive Chairman, National Committee of Columbia University Alumni for Eisenhower and Committee of the Eisenhower Program, 1952-56. -1 foot. |
BERLIN, IRVING | BERLIN, IRVING: PAPERS, 1952-83. Composer. - 1 foot. |
BERMINGHAM, EDWARD J. | BERMINGHAM, EDWARD J.: CORRESPONDENCE WITH DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, 1948-58. Columbia University Trustee (photocopies). 1 foot. |
BETTS, THOMAS J. | BETTS, THOMAS J.: PAPERS, 1913-77. Brigadier General; Intelligence Officer, SHAEF, 1944-May 1945; Director of Intelligence, U.S. Group, Control Council for Germany, May 1945; author of numerous articles, short stories, and poems. 4 feet. (closed pending processing) |
BEVAN, VELBER K. | BEVAN, VELBER K.: PAPERS, 1951-1952. Korean War veteran. .2 feet. |
BICKS, ROBERT A. | BICKS, ROBERT A.: PAPERS, 1953-1962. Staff member, Antitrust Division, Department of Justice, 1953-59; Assistant Attorney General, 1960-61. 4 feet. |
BIRD, JOHN | BIRD, JOHN: MATERIAL RE ARTICLES WRITTEN BY DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER FOR THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. Senior Editor, Saturday Evening Post, 1960-64, Editor-at-Large, 1964-69. -1 foot. Review upon Demand |
BISSELL, RICHARD M., JR. | BISSELL, RICHARD M., JR.: PAPERS, 1909-95. Consultant, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1948; Assistant Deputy Administrator, Economic Cooperation Administration, 1948; Deputy Director & Acting Director, Mutual Security Agency, 1951-52; Consultant to the Director, Mutual Security Agency, 1952-55; Special Assistant to the Director, Central Intelligence Agency, 1954-59; Deputy Director of Plans, Central Intelligence Agency, 1959-62; Co-director of the National Reconnaissance Office, 1961-62; Executive Vice President, Institute for Defense Analysis, 1962; President, Institute for Defense Analysis, 1962-64. 34 feet. (For further information about this collection, please see Appendix)
BLACK, LILLIAN "RUSTY" BROWN | BLACK, LILLIAN "RUSTY" BROWN: PAPERS, 1945-2005. Red Cross worker, World War II; Ssecretary on White House staff, 1953-61; Personal Secretary to Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1962-67. 2 feet. |
BOILLOT, CLAUDE E. | BOILLOT, CLAUDE E.: PAPERS, 1934-84. U.S. Representative, Suez Canal Company (Compagnie Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez), 1952-78. 10 feet. |
BOOKMAN, GEORGE B. | BOOKMAN, GEORGE B.: PAPERS, 1981-93. Journalist; edited memoirs of Gabriel Hauge. -1 foot. |
BORTMAN, MARK | BORTMAN, MARK: PAPERS, 1956-67. Member, Board of Directors, and Chairman, Civic Committee, People-to-People Program, 1956-67. 25 feet. |
BOSTER, DAVIS E. | BOSTER, DAVIS E.: PAPERS, 1949-2005. Political Officer, American Embassy, Moscow, 1947-49; Desk Officer for the Soviet Union, Department of State, 1949-54; Political Officer, American Embassy, Bonn 1954-58; Personal Assistant to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, 1958-59; Officer in Charge of Soviet Union Political Affairs, Department of State, 1959-62; Political Officer, American Embassy, Mexico City, 1963; United States Ambassador to Bangladesh, 1974-76; United States Ambassador to Guatemala, 1976-1979. -1 foot. Review upon Demand |
BRAGDON, JOHN STEWART | BRAGDON, JOHN STEWART: PAPERS, 1954-62. Staff Advisor on Public Works Planning, Council of Economic Advisors, 1954-55; Special Assistant to the President to Coordinate Public Works Planning, 1955-60; member, Civil Aeronautics Board, 1960-61. 4 feet. |
BRAINARD, CHARLES L. | BRAINARD, CHARLES L.: PAPERS, 1945-67. Member, The Eisenhower Foundation; Secretary, The Eisenhower Presidential Library Commission. 5 feet. |
BRERETON, LEWIS H. | BRERETON, LEWIS H.: PAPERS, 1918-67. Commander, Far East Air Force, Philippines, 1941; Deputy Air Commander in Chief, Allied Air Forces, Java, 1942; Commander, Middle East Air Force (9th Air Force), 1942-43; Commanding General, 9th Air Force, European Theater,1943-44; Commander, 1st Allied Airborne Army, 1944-45; Chairman, Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission, 1945-58. -1 foot. |
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