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Abilene, Kan. - The public is invited to join the first Waging Peace Lunch & Learn program on Thursday, January 25, at 12 p.m. noon central time at the Eisenhower Presidential Library. The hybrid program will be held in the Library building indoor courtyard and online via YouTube Livestream.
Join Dr. Chase Sova for a discussion on global food insecurity trends and drivers and opportunities for the United States to build on its legacy as a world leader in the fight to end hunger. That legacy of leadership runs through America’s Heartland. As a means of providing assistance to foreign states, President Eisenhower signed Public Law 480 in 1954. This helped American farmers by using food surpluses created by World War II production policies and created the foundation for the Food for Peace program.
Dr. Sova is Senior Director of Public Policy and Research at World Food Program USA, a Washington, DC-based non-profit specializing in international food assistance. He is a Senior Associate with the Center for Strategic and International Studies Global Food Security Program and a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Previously, Chase worked with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. He has served as an expert witness at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his writing has been featured extensively in peer-reviewed journals. Chase earned his Ph.D. from Oxford University.
The 2024 Waging Peace program series is made possible courtesy of the Eisenhower Foundation with generous support from the Jeffcoat Memorial Foundation.
About the Eisenhower Presidential Library
The Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum is one of 16 Presidential Libraries operated by the National Archives and Records Administration. Presidential Libraries promote understanding of the presidency and the American experience. They preserve and provide access to historical materials, support research, and create interactive programs and exhibits that educate and inspire. Public programs and exhibits at the Eisenhower Presidential Library are made possible in part through the generous support of the Eisenhower Foundation. To learn more, visit