This selection of documents was declassified 10/1/15 - 9/30/16 and includes materials declassified in part as well as those declassified in their entirety.
Southeast Asia • North Africa • Japan • National Security Council • Cuba • German Escapees •
Europe • International Monetary Fund • Jordan • Nuclear Policy
Southeast Asia
Progress Report on NSC 5405 U.S. Objectives and Courses of Action with Respect to Southeast Asia [NSC Staff Papers, OCB Central Files Series, Box 80, OCB 091.4 Southeast Asia (File #2) (7)]
Draft Courses of Action in Respect to Overseas Chinese in Singapore and Federation of Malaya, prepared by OCB Working Groups on NSC 5503 and 5405 [NSC Staff Papers, OCB Central Files Series, Box 81, OCB 091.4 Southeast Asia (File #4) (7)]
Paper on Taiwan [Robert Anderson Papers, Box 50, Trips Far East 23 Nov.-13 Dec. 1953 Briefing Materials (1)]
Telegram from Ambassador Dillon re Vietnamese government [J. Lawton Collins Papers, Box 26, Monthly Papers April 1955 (4)]
North Africa
Communist Penetration of National Movements in North Africa [NSC Staff Papers, OCB Central Files Series, Box 61, OCB 091.4 Africa (File #1) (1)]
Memo for the OCB re military assistance to Egypt [NSC Staff Papers, OCB Central Files Series, Box 28, OCB 091 Egypt]
Report on Japan [NSC Staff Papers, Special Staff File Series, Box 4, Intelligence Items (2)]
Questions to be Raised in Discussing Draft Paper on Japan [NSC Staff Papers, Special Staff File Series, Box 4, Japan (2)]
National Security Council
Memo re Military Policy in the National Security Council [NSC Staff Papers, Special Staff File Series, Box 7, Special Staff Memos (3)]
Memo of meeting of the Special Committee of the National Security Council on Atomic Energy [NSC Staff Papers, Executive Secretary Subject Files Series, Box 5, #16 Special Committee Meetings]
Report by the Net Evaluation Subcommittee, NSC Actions 1260, 1330, 1430, 1463 and 1532; and NSC 5605 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, NSC Series, Box 8, 306th Meeting of the National Security Council]
Memo to Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission re Transfer and Deployment of Atomic Weapons [Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, NSC Series, Subject Subseries, Box 1, Atomic Energy-Miscellaneous (3)]
Memo of telephone conversation between DCI and Secretary of State re Cuba [Christian Herter Papers, Box 12, CAH Telephone Calls 1/1/60 to 3/25/60 (1)]
German Escapees
Memo re State Department Proposal for Encouragement of Additional Single Male Youth to Defect from Germany [NSC Staff Papers, PSB Central Files Series, Box 12, PSB 091. Germany (3)]
Memo re Admiral Robert B . Carney's European trip [John Foster Dulles Papers, General Correspondence and Memoranda Series, Box 2, Strictly Confidential C-D (1)]
International Monetary Fund
Memo re German Comments on the U.S. Talks [Robert Anderson Papers, Box 72, Germany]
Memo re German Contributions to Economic Development [Robert Anderson Papers, Box 72, Germany]
Memo re Use of Fund Resources by the U.S. [Robert Anderson Papers, Box 71, Correspondence 1960 (2)]
Synopsis of State and Intelligence material reported to the President, March 1959 [Eisenhower's Papers as President, DDE Diary Series, Box 40, Briefings March 1959]
Memo of telephone call from Secretary of State to the President [John Foster Dulles Papers, Telephone Conversations Series, Box 12, Memo Tel. Conv. – W.H. March 1957 to August 30, 1957 (4)]
Nuclear Policy
Memo for the President re nuclear policy [Office of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs, Special Assistant Series, Subject Subseries, Box 4, Disarmament – General (1957) (1)]