President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address, famed for its reference to the "military-industrial complex," is one of the most famous speeches in American history. Its meaning has been analyzed and debated by historians ever since. President Eisenhower delivered the speech on January 17, 1961.
Audio recording of the Farewell Address
Reading copy of the speech [DDE’s Papers as President, Speech Series, Box 38, Final TV Talk (1); NAID #594599]
Memo for the record regarding last speech, May 20, 1959 [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 16, Farewell Address (1); NAID #12004765]
Outline of subjects for presidential talks, May 22, 1959 [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 17, Presidential Speech Planning; NAID #12611960]
Memo for the President and Dr. Milton Eisenhower from Malcolm Moos regarding presidential speeches, May 24, 1959 [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 17, Presidential Speech Planning; NAID #12612140]
Letter from the President to Dr. Milton Eisenhower regarding farewell address, May 25, 1959 [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 17, Presidential Speech Planning; NAID #12614784]
Memo regarding George Washington’s farewell address, April 5, 1960 [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 16, Farewell Address (1); NAID #12615069]
October 31, 1960 Memorandum for the file regarding the State of the Union 1961 [Ralph E. Williams Papers, Box 1, Chronological (1); NAID #16972132]
Memo to Malcolm Moos regarding address topics, no date [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 16, Farewell Address (2); NAID #12611750]
Typescript speech draft labeled "Commencement," no date [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 16, Farewell Address (2); NAID #12615023]
Speech draft, December 21, 1960 [Arthur Larson and Malcolm Moos Records, Box 16, Farewell Address (4); NAID #16972110]
January 7, 1961 Draft of the speech with handwritten editing by Milton Eisenhower [DDE’s Papers as President, Speech Series, Box 38, Final TV Talk (3); NAID #16972223]
January 17, 1961 Press release containing the text of the address [DDE’s Papers as President, Speech Series, Box 38, Final TV Talk (1); NAID #16972219]
March 17, 1961 Memo from Bryce Harlow for Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon regarding Congressional reaction to the address [DDE’s Post-Presidential Papers, Special Names Series, Box 6, Harlow Bryce 1961 (3); NAID #16972232]
January 17, 1966 Letter from Stanley Karson (Chairman, Special Committee on Military-Industrial Complex, American Veterans Committee) to Dwight D. Eisenhower [DDE’s Post-Presidential Papers, 1966 Principal File, Box 36, K (3); NAID #16972242]
January 19, 1966 Congressional Record – Senate, Significance of President Eisenhower’s Speech on the Military-Industrial Complex [DDE’s Post-Presidential Papers, 1966 Principal File, Box 36, K (3); NAID #16972243]
February 7, 1966 Reply from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Stanley Karson (Chairman, Special Committee on Military-Industrial Complex, American Veterans Committee) [DDE’s Post-Presidential Papers, Special Names Series, Box 7, Harlow Bryce 1966; NAID #16972236]
June 13, 1967 Letter from Professor Theodore R. Kennedy to Dwight D. Eisenhower [DDE’s Post-Presidential Papers, 1967 Principal File, Box 5, BE (Business Economics) (6); NAID #16972245]
June 21, 1967 Reply from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Professor Theodore R. Kennedy [DDE’s Post-Presidential Papers, 1967 Principal File, Box 5, BE (Business Economics) (6); NAID #16972246]
December 28, 1985 Letter from Ralph Williams to Martin Teasley regarding origin of term "military-industrial complex" [Ralph E. Williams Papers, Box 1, Letters 1985-1988; NAID #16972138]